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A Rest…


Issue 121

How many times have you arrived home stressed and irritable and immediately dumped your frustration on the first person you meet? Have you also noticed how frequently people get ill on holiday?  – those who enjoy robust health for most of the year suddenly go down with a viral infection.

The bible is full of teaching about preparation. Parables about unprepared wedding attendants or servants are obvious. The importance of being prepared to answer questions or count the cost of discipleship contrasts with the dangers of having an ill-prepared heart or mind. Esther prepares to meet her king, David prepares for battle, and Joshua encourages all the people to prepare for their big day – the next day.

The principle of preparation is so well established that it can almost be assumed that it is woven into our lives as much as it is into the bible. After all, Christians are supposed to be people who are prepared for the end of their lives and, being aware of the high stakes involved, live their lives in the light of eternity.

At work we wouldn’t dream of entering an important meeting, giving a talk or taking on a project without some preparation – because it is important.

Consider for a moment who the most important people are in your life; the chances are that they are family and friends. Some of us meet our family on  a regular basis at the end of a working day, so why do we crash in and unload on them? Why do we arrive frazzled or irritable? Why, similarly, when we go on holiday do we then get ill?

I would suggest the reason is that we haven’t prepared for the meeting. Perhaps if we spent some time thinking, praying and preparing for this most important of meetings, we would get a little more balance into our lives. Perhaps getting home 15 minutes later but ready to arrive is better than exploding through the door like an exocet missile. Maybe our holidays would be more fruitful if we prepared our hearts, minds and spirits as thoroughly as our suitcases, travel documents and itineraries. It might change the way we rest. It would certainly make the change as good as a rest and most definitely help the rest of the people in our lives to enjoy the change.

Series: -
Module: 3
Season: -
Daily Guide: No

Tags: family, meeting, planning, preparation

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Work well
Geoff Shattock

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