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SoM 23: And so in Conclusion


Issue 227

Would you like people to be open and honest with you, letting you see who they really are? Would you prefer people to settle with you rather than hold grudges? Would your choice be that they build ethical, affirming, committed relationships and be transparently truthful in their dealings, not going for the pound of flesh but even taking into account your demands? Would you prefer even your opponents to trust you, to treat you well and people to be generous to you when you need help?

Would you like it when others go about their business without pomp, ceremony and self-centred show? Do you want to work with people who are not obsessed with bonuses, accumulation of wealth and empire-building? Would you prefer to live in a low-stress, high-trust environment where you are accepted for who you are and not forced into conforming to cultural stereotypes?

If these things would please you, then treat others like that and more so – this is Jesus’ golden rule and it’s his summary. Remember it’s not what you don’t do that counts; it’s what you do do. This is the narrow way – walk well; this is the recipe – dine well; these are the Architect’s plans – build well.


Matthew 7:12

12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Series: Sermon On The Mount
Module: 2
Season: -
Daily Guide: No

Tags: behaviour, righteousness, way

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Work well
Geoff Shattock

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