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Nehemiah’s Mind 31: Registration


Issue 462

It might be that as you came into your workplace you swiped a card that admitted you electronically to your offices. When you took the job you would have had to register for it and now it provides you with security.

When you sat down at your desk you may have had to log in to your system using your password. You will have registered for this password and it gives you access.

Somewhere in your life there will be a national insurance or social security number. You will have had to register for this and it enables you to earn reward for your labour.

If you travel internationally you will have a passport. You will have had to register for this passport and it gives you status in this world as well as freedom.

At your birth someone would have registered your arrival. Your birth certificate will give you identity, lineage and a sense of belonging.

Right now, in the world’s largest democracy, the Indian Government is in a project to register every citizen. There are millions still in India who have no proof of identification and as a result cannot get access to important services and benefits. I heard a report that 300 million had been registered so far. Some by fingerprint. When the registration is complete everyone will have access to services and benefits.

Security, access, reward, status, identity, belonging and benefits. These are all linked to registration. They are good things. They help you function, make up your profile, protect you from danger.

And these are the sort of reasons Nehemiah had in his mind when he realised “my God put it into my heart to assemble the nobles, the officials and the common people for registration by families”.

God put it in Nehemiah’s heart because it was also in God’s heart. It was in God’s heart because He wants all these things for us.

Series: Nehemiah's Mind
Module: 7
Season: -
Daily Guide: No

Tags: belonging, identity, known, security

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Work well
Geoff Shattock

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