Issue 539
Welcome to WORKTALKweekly
Son of Man 44 Son of Man: Accuracy
We are looking at the Son of Man. We are trying to look from his point of view. We are exploring his “I AM”. We have taken a break, we are back. We are taking a second look at the Light.
See what you think about this. Does working with someone full of pride and arrogance irritate you? Does working with someone who is in denial about their talent exasperate you? The one is too proud, the other is too humble.
Either way the inner attitude damages your ability to do or be what you were born to be. One attitude blinds you to your strengths, the other blinds you to your weaknesses.
Although different, I suggest to you that these are both acts of the will. You can choose to take either path.
The Son of Man, by being human, had chosen to humble himself. He had emptied himself, become obedient and adopted a servant spirit.
Pride and arrogance were anathema to him. Pride was what he had come to defeat. So try, if you will, to understand how hard it was for this humble servant to say “While I am in the world I am the Light of the world”. It’s a staggering claim. He would have wrestled with the temptation to be proud, arrogant and presumptuous. We know he faced daily temptation as a real human being.
So you glimpse the end result of a struggle. A man so pure, humble and serving coming to see himself as the Light.
As the Son of Man he had to avoid the temptation to be the Light for his own purposes. He tells us that this Light is to do the work of the one who sent him.
Equally, he had to avoid the temptation to hide his Light or from it.
He was called to an accurate understanding of “I AM” neither proud nor falsely humble, just the truth.
Now you can see that he is offering you the same Light in your life. It’s a light that enables you to see yourself accurately. Your talents, your skills, your wisdom (your light) ready to be used for the purposes of the One who sent you.
He is also calling you to avoid false humility. Don’t hide your light thinking that is self-effacing. This just ends up depriving you, God and others of the pleasures of your design.
May I suggest that you walk in between pride and false humility this week? In other words that you walk in his Light letting it shine in you, through you and guiding you so that you are envisioned. It doesn’t come easy, it never did. It does come, however, from the original Light source himself.
Work well.
Geoff Shattock
John 9:4-5
4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
© Geoff Shattock April 2015
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Work well
Geoff Shattock
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