Geoff Shattock’s new book Jesus and the Racing Rat is now with the designers-November is still the month for publishing
Geoff Shattock’s new book Jesus and the Racing Rat is now with the designers-November is still the month for publishing
Geoff Shattock delivered two seminars at New Wine South on the theme of enjoying work. 500 attended each one and enjoyed a feast of learning in the rain and wind of south west England. Good to be back with the partners who co published the first Worktalk Course.
Justine Moxley -Executive Assistant to Geoff Shattock got married in 4th July -independence day in the US interdependence day in the UK. She is still a greatly valued member of the team-congrats to her on this special event.
A time to reflect and celebrate fatherhood as Geoff Shattock spoke on the way Jesus adds father to all we do. The men of the church led the worship and participated in a moving dedication to their Lord. Geoff’s wife daughter and son in law all took part in the service to create a perfect day! Best wishes to Vicar Brian Nicholson who is retiring in July after many years of faithfull service
A house group to remember. Two hours of talk and discussion on the power of working spiritually -thanks to Cordelia Lambie-Niarn for facilitating and creating the opportunity for all present to engage with the seven Worktalk principles
What a great spirit-people eager to learn a team wanting to serve and a message needing to be heard thanks to Fruit Cove for hosting -yet another step along the path to bringing Worktalk to the US.
Geoff Shattock was interviewed by Pastor Tim Maynard in place of the sermon. Members at Fruit Cove Baptist Church were invited to text questions to a central number and these were displayed on the screen for Geoff and Tim to discuss. Subjects ranged around stress, balance and spirituality at work.
Thank you to all our members who have faithfully ordered pre-publication copies of Geoff Shattock’s new book. Your investment is encouraging and instrumental in the publishing process and the more orders we receive the more quickly the book can be in our hands.
Geoff Shattock will be speaking at the church weekend for Westlake Church Lusuane on 8-10th May 09 when he will be giving five WORKTALK sessions under the title ‘The Platespinners Guide to the Galaxy’.
A unique gathering of former coaching clients was held at Royal St Katharine’s retreat centre on 21st March. Starting with a refresher on Core Process and mission, attendees went on to design a variety of personlised items of blessing and praise linked to their own characters and styles. Core process was applied to three key areas of God, others and the self and the day ended with a reflection led by Maria Shattock. Along the way we explored the meaning of saying an authentic ‘no’ in a session designed and faciltated by Justine Moxley.
The gathering provided the opportnunity for all to review the value of the coaching process for themselves and connect with others on similar journeys. If you are interested in our coaching services follow the link in our SOLUTIONS section