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Getting a Perspective


Issue 012

Sometimes things seem huge. A challenge can be daunting or a problem appear insurmountable. The more we think, plan, discuss and worry the more the thing seems to grow. It’s as if it feeds off our fears and thoughts.

As a stress trainer, I know that stress, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It all depends on how you view a situation as to what it does to you. One of the many images which is presented to us about becoming a Christian is that of having our blind eyes opened. Like Bartimaeus we can now see things that we could not see before. Here are five visions which may help you get through this five day working week.

Firstly, you are not in charge. The government is upon his (Jesus’) shoulders and he is the Lord. You may feel a buck stopping at your feet but it would be a good idea to look up.

Secondly, whatever it is, it’s temporary. All these things will pass away. When you catch a glimpse of eternity, time management does look very different.

Thirdly, you are never alone. Jesus said he would be with you always, so he is sitting with you or standing beside you right now.

Fourthly, he won’t let you be stretched beyond your limits. He knows how strong you are and how weak you feel and if he is trusting you with a difficulty it is because he knows you can bear it.

Fifth, whatever the outcome God the Father will use it to mould you to be more like his Son. Generally speaking God is in favour of good outcomes. Jesus healed, empowered, provided, problem-solved, released and restored when He was on earth. Resurrections and Heaven are his preferred options. Mark Twain once said “I am an old man who has known a great many problems, most of which never happened”. Maybe your prayer for problem solving at work this week could include a request for better eyesight.

Series: -
Module: 1
Season: -
Daily Guide: No

Tags: perspective, problem, stress

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Work well
Geoff Shattock

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