Geoff Shattock was ordained in November 1979 and has been a minister since then. He is co-founder and Creative Director of Ministries for WORKTALK, being a leading provider of Christian resources to help people work well by working spiritually.Read More/Less
A physiologist, stress psychobiologist, theologian and ordained minister, Geoff has pioneered teaching, training and coaching for churches, charities, businesses and individuals for over twenty years and has worked with the UK’s national government task force on employment projects. A member of the International Stress Management Association he has also completed a research project on the impact of faith on occupational stress.
Geoff is a major conference speaker , broadcaster & writer who manages to combine his accessible speaking style with communicating powerful life changing thinking-all centred around the Christian faith. He has spoken at Spring Harvest, New Wine, At Work Together,CLAN Scotland and Keswick He has published a book on the working methods of Jesus of Nazareth.
Author of over 610 GEOFFSHATTOCKweekly email pieces, Geoff has also written the materials for the FOUR ZERO Church resource used by over 15000 individuals, the DVD course boxed set and handbook and in 2013 released Christmas Days thirty one spiritual seasonings for busy souls.