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Christian Financial Advisors’ Conference

Nov 16, 2008

WORKTALK was invited to help the association of Christian financial advisors explore integrating faith with work at their annual conference.  Geoff Shattock gave two keynote addresses.  The first was an overview of working spiritually the second addressed the vital issue of coping with stress.  Attendees were very encouraged and worked on the implications for their businesses.

Jacksonville Conference

Nov 11, 2008

On 8th November 2008 a number of local Christians including some key city wide leaders, gathered for our first US Conference.  Geoff Shattock delivered the first three modules of WORKTALK.  The US version of the DVD and Handbook was available and each delegate received a complementary Handbook.  The conference was extremely well received and plans are now in place for a second conference in June 2009.

Jacksonville Update

Oct 26, 2008

Geoff Shattock is now in Jacksonville Florida. He has visited Fruit Cove Baptist Church where he was warmly welcomed by Pastor Tim Maynard and his team. Geoff was able to introduce WORKTALK and the conference to the whole church of some 1500 members. This week sees further preparation for the Jacksonville conference on 8th November.


Oct 14, 2008

Announcing the relaunch of WorkNet, WorkNet Partnerhsip, and Watchmaker. After eleven years of pioneering work we are pleased to announce that the all of our work is now gathered under the WORKTALK name. This is more than a new look, we have brought all our thinking and solutions into specialist themes and designed a sophisticated range of resources for you to help you work well by working spitiaully. At WORKTALK we believe that a Man who changed the world can indeed change the way we work-browze this site to explore what this means and send your reactions to comms@worktalk.gs

Jesus Wisdom for Wounded Workers

Oct 2, 2008

Worktalk Jacksonville Conference – 8th November 2008


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New Release-WORKTALK Course DVD NTSC (US Version)

Oct 1, 2008

October 2008 New Releases

The WORKTALK Course DVD pack (NTSC -US version) and Second Edition Handbook (US Version) will be out on 31st October 2008.

To order your early discount copy go our shop


Jul 18, 2007

July 18th 2007 WORKTALK Course on DVD released (PAL version)
To order your copy of the WORKTALK Course on DVD visit the SHOP

WORKNET Tenth Birthday

Jan 1, 2007

WorkNet (now WORKTALK) celebrates tenth year. We would love to hear from you as to how you have received a blessing or encouragement through the ministry over these last ten years. Have you found a particular WakeUpCall helpful? Have you received ministry at a New Wine conference? Have you used the  WORKTALK course individually or in your group? Have you had Sunday ministry in your church? Have you had coaching as an individual? Send your comment to comms@worktalk.gs