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WORKTALK coaching is for anyone who wishes to address important life and work related issues with the aid of experienced support.

There are many reasons why individuals may seek coaching, here are some examples:
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  • You have reached a crossroads and want to figure out which way to go
  • Your workload, stress levels or life balance is in need of attention
  • You feel slightly stuck where you are
  • You want to explore a better fit between who you are and what you do
  • Certain issues form repeated and unwanted themes in your work
  • You sense you need help and want to invest in your own progress
  • You wish to discover a deeper sense of calling and mission in your work

WORKTALK can offer One to One Coaching sessions in all our specialist areas as well as general life coaching and mentoring. Sessions can vary in length and number depending on your needs and can be conducted face to face or on Skype/phone depending on your location. To request further details of our coaching service please email comms@worktalk.gs


because solving the puzzle involves a helping hand..